53: Sticker Making: A Hobby That Brings Out Your Inner Child

53: Sticker Making: A Hobby That Brings Out Your Inner Child

In this episode of the podcast, I chat with Mim Jenkinson, a sticker-making pro, planner enthusiast, and host of The Planner Podcast.

Mim shares her inspiring journey from a challenging health diagnosis to discovering the world of stickers and turning it into a source of endless joy and creativity.

As the founder of the Secret Sticker Society, Mim teaches her members how to create stickers that they can be proud to use and share, helping them embrace their inner creativity and move past perfectionism.

Throughout the episode, we explore the many ways stickers can be used to beautify and organize life, from decorating planners to organizing homes and creating personalized gifts.

We also delve into the therapeutic and creative benefits of sticker making, highlighting how this fun and engaging hobby can unlock your inner child and bring immense joy and satisfaction.

Whether you're a seasoned crafter or just curious about stickers, this episode is packed with valuable insights and inspiration.

Mentioned In This Episode

Sticker Making: The Creative Hobby You Didn’t Know You Needed

In this episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Mim Jenkinson, a sticker-making pro, planner enthusiast, and host of The Planner Podcast. Mim is also the creator of the Secret Sticker Society, a membership where she teaches people how to create stickers from scratch. Her passion for stickers has not only transformed her life but has also inspired thousands of people around the world to embrace their creativity and unlock the endless joy of stickers.

Discovering the World of Stickers

Mim's journey into the world of stickers began unexpectedly. In 2016, she was diagnosed with a serious health condition and was undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. During this challenging time, she sought a project to keep her mind occupied and discovered the world of stickers. Inspired by others making their own stickers on YouTube and Instagram, she decided to give it a try. Mim purchased a cutting machine and a color printer, and her sticker-making journey began.

What started as a simple hobby to distract her from her treatments turned into a full-time business. Nearly a decade later, Mim has taught over 10,000 crafters worldwide how to make their own stickers. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and the joy that can come from such a simple activity.

The Many Uses of Stickers

Stickers can be used in countless ways, from decorating planners to organizing homes. Mim's Secret Sticker Society membership includes lessons on making stickers for various purposes, such as pantry organization, kids' toys, party invites, school books, and more. The possibilities are endless, and the joy that comes from creating and using stickers is immeasurable.

One of the benefits of making your own stickers is the ability to personalize them. Instead of buying a sticker kit where only a few stickers are useful, you can create stickers that are perfect for your needs. Whether it's for your planner, home organization, or just for fun, custom stickers can add a personal touch to any project.

The Creative and Therapeutic Benefits of Sticker Making

Sticker making is more than just a fun hobby; it's a creative outlet that can bring immense joy and satisfaction. Engaging in a creative activity like sticker making can boost serotonin levels and provide a sense of accomplishment. It allows people to reconnect with their inner child and unlock a sense of playfulness and creativity that often gets lost in adulthood.

Mim shared how sticker making helped her feel like her true self. By setting aside time to be creative, she was able to unlock a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment. This experience is shared by many of her students, who find that making stickers helps them connect with who they are and how they want to express themselves.

Getting Started with Sticker Making

Starting your sticker-making journey is easier than you might think. All you need is a computer or laptop, a good internet connection, and some basic tools. Mim recommends using free sticker-making software like Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Studio, or Canva. A basic color printer and some cutting tools, such as scissors or a cutting machine, are also helpful.

Many crafters are already familiar with design software like Canva, which can be used to create beautiful stickers. The investment in tools like a Cricut or Silhouette cutting machine can save time and enhance the quality of your stickers. These machines are affordable and come in different price ranges, making them accessible for beginners.

Exploring Digital Stickers

In addition to physical stickers, digital stickers are becoming increasingly popular. These can be used in digital planners, as printable designs, or for various online projects. Mim initially started her sticker shop by selling physical stickers but later transitioned to selling printable stickers. This allowed her to reach a broader audience and continue her business without the need for printing and shipping physical products.

Digital stickers offer the same creative satisfaction as physical ones and can be a great option for those who prefer working on digital platforms. The possibilities are limitless, and digital stickers can be a versatile addition to any creative project.

The Joy of Teaching and Sharing Stickers

Mim's passion for stickers extends beyond her own creations. She loves teaching others how to make their own stickers and watching them discover the joy of this creative hobby. Her students range from those making stickers for personal use to those who share their creations with family and friends.

One of Mim's favorite success stories is Tamara, a student who started her own sticker shop and quickly found success. Tamara's beautiful designs and exceptional quality helped her sales surpass Mim's own shop, showcasing the potential for creativity and success in the sticker-making world.

Upcoming Events and Resources

Mim also hosts events like the Planner Craft Pro Summit, a free three-day event filled with classes on planning, productivity, goal setting, and various planner-themed crafts. This summit is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in unlocking their creativity and exploring new hobbies.

For those who are curious about sticker making but unsure where to start, Mim offers a free sticker-making guide. This guide is a perfect introduction to the world of stickers and provides valuable tips and insights for beginners.


Sticker making is a delightful hobby that brings out your inner child and unlocks endless creative possibilities. Whether you're decorating a planner, organizing your home, or just having fun, stickers can add a personal touch to any project. Mim Jenkinson's journey from a cancer survivor to a sticker-making pro is a testament to the transformative power of creativity. Her story inspires us to embrace our creativity, reconnect with our inner child, and find joy in the simple act of making stickers.

So, why not give sticker making a try? Unlock your creativity, have fun, and discover the endless joy that comes with this delightful hobby.

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53: Sticker Making: A Hobby That Brings Out Your Inner Child


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:02]:

And my special guest today is Mim Jenkinson. And she is a sticker making pro, planner obsessed, 5 star Etsy seller, and host of the planner podcast. In her sticker making membership, the secret sticker society, Mim teaches how to create stickers from scratch that her members are proud to use and share. She helps them embrace their inner creativity, which might even be hidden, and move past perfectionism so that they can unlock the endless joy of stickers. And, ma'am, I am super excited to chat with you today. Can you tell us a little bit more about how you got started in sticker making? And tell us a little bit more about what exactly is it.

Mim Jenkinson [00:00:51]:

Oh, Destino, thank you so much for having me, and I'm so delighted to be here with you and to be talking stickers because they really have become one of the biggest parts of my of my life. And it was an unexpected journey too. So I have been sharing, using, making, selling, teaching all things stickers since 2016. And it really was an unexpected path. We joked before I hit record about, how I just didn't I didn't really think that crafting was something I would really ever be interested in until I started. So back in 2016, I was diagnosed with a pretty serious health condition then. And I was going through chemo and radiation, and thankfully all is well now. But while I was going through that treatment, I was really looking for a project that would keep me, I guess, occupied and take my mind off the other things that were happening.

Mim Jenkinson [00:01:43]:

And all of a sudden, I have this kind of free time at home too, and I needed something to fill it with. So I've been using stickers to decorate and organize my planner, my paper planner. And I thought, well, maybe I can actually make stickers like this too. I'd seen other people on YouTube and, Instagram and other places making their own stickers and thought, that is gonna be my my chemo project. I'm gonna get myself a cutting machine, and I'm gonna get myself a color printer, and I'm gonna go about making my own stickers. Well, Destini, I had no idea that nearly nearly 10 years on really from that now, I've now been using, making, selling, and teaching stickers since then, and have taught now over 10,000 fantastic crafters all over the world to make their own stickers too. It's become a full time business, and here we are talking about all of that today.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:34]:

And I can't wait to jump into this. And we actually asked you in the beginning before we started recording. I don't really even know what this is. So but it really is just stickers that you can use in all different ways, right, in your life?

Mim Jenkinson [00:02:49]:

It really is. I mean, we can use stickers in so many ways, whether it's beautifying our life, organizing it, solving a problem, or making our lives easier, better, funner, more creative. And I, yeah, I started really focusing on stickers for planners, and since then, it's grown to really be stickers for anything. So I have so many thousands of students and now members. My membership started a year or so ago, and we are making stickers for all kinds of reasons for ourselves, our kids, our homes, our grandchildren, as gifts, to sell, to organize, just to make something look good. You know, it can be for so many different reasons. So we're making stickers for, paper products like planners, maybe for wall charts, for reward stickers, for water bottles. Honestly, the list is endless.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:03:38]:

Well, as you were going through it, I'm thinking, you know, I could probably use stickers in my pantry to organize it there. You could we have

Mim Jenkinson [00:03:44]:

a lesson in the membership on how to make stickers to organize your pantry. Yes.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:03:49]:

So I'm on the right track there. And, really, I was thinking about really anywhere that I wanted to organize, like, maybe my kids' closets or all their toys. And there's tons tons of stickers that you could do there.

Mim Jenkinson [00:04:00]:

But you

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:00]:

can make them fun. Right? Not just like a little sticker and and write on it. You're making them pretty and fun, I'm assuming.

Mim Jenkinson [00:04:08]:

Well, that's the benefit when you make your own stickers. Like, not only do you make stickers that are perfect for you, so no more buying a a sticker kit that is, you know, you maybe use 5 of the stickers and throw the other 50 away, But you can also really personalize them for yourself too, or for your kids. I mean, I make stickers for my kids' party invites, to decorate their school books, for so many reasons. And they just like nothing more than being able to use those stickers or share them. And we're all we're all kids, aren't we? We're all big kids. And if you think back to when you first were a child, maybe when you first had your own stickers and what did you do with them? Well, you probably ploughed through them in seconds, just decorating your room and then got told off by your parents. And then that's what our kids do. And then we tell them off, but at the same time, we understand exactly why they do it.

Mim Jenkinson [00:04:52]:

And everyone at every age, everywhere can just unlock the joy of stickers because that joy from when you first choose a sticker or peel it off the sheet or stick it down somewhere, it doesn't go away. In fact, I think it gets bigger and better the older we get.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:09]:

Well, I think anybody could, you know, benefit from it. I'm thinking about all the different stickers that I've seen just, you know, over the past few months. I think I went into the Vineyard Vine stores, and, you know, they had stickers of their little little their little well there. And, you know, my kids always love to grab stuff like that. I know I do too. My husband even has a a Vineyard Bond sticker on his computer. So I'm like, so if he's using it, I know anybody can use stickers there.

Mim Jenkinson [00:05:36]:

Oh, absolutely. In fact, I walk around my world now thinking I could put a sticker on that or that that should be a sticker. That could be a sticker. You know, it almost becomes, an addiction. A really fun one though of what you can transform into stickers or how you can make life so much better with a sticker solution.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:55]:

Now I definitely see how somebody who is into, you know, creating their planners or their, maybe they go to the store and buy a planner and they really wanna customize it with stickers. Mhmm. What are some other, you would say, maybe benefits of sticker making? Tell tell us kinda why your students are really getting into this.

Mim Jenkinson [00:06:17]:

Oh, that's it's a great question, and it's something that I love to talk about because it's a it's a topic that even I didn't realize was such a big thing until probably a few years into the business, honestly. So I knew on the surface level that we wanted to make stickers to decorate and to organize and that stickers solved a problem. One thing that I hadn't really, understood at that point or recognized was just how much stickers can be transformational for who we are. And so going one layer deeper than that, of course, anything that helps us unlock creativity or put time aside to be creative, even when we don't feel like an artist or a designer or a creative person, Just putting together, putting aside that time and actually going through the experience of being creative is so joyful. It's so joyful. I mean, the serotonin, the happiness it brings to us, it it can't be measured. But then even deeper than that, one thing that I hadn't realized was just how much it made me feel like who I truly was. And anyone who has really and I know you'll have so many people in your audience who feel this way.

Mim Jenkinson [00:07:25]:

Anyone who has dived or dove headfirst into something creative that they feel joyful about, they'll know exactly what I mean. It really does unlock who you are. It's like a remembering of of that creative child. And then that has it kind of helps you see the whole world in a different way too, when we really connect with who we are, what we're about, how we want other people to view us, how we want to communicate with the world, how we want to leave a legacy or leave our our print on a world. You know, it's it's very literal in that a sticker is leaving that print some way, somewhere in the world. But also, it really just helps us to really unlock who we are and who we want to be too. And I have never experienced so much joy in my life as I have in the past 10, 11 years since my kids and then since unlocking the the inner kid inside me too. I've been seeing so many other people do the same.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:08:21]:

And I know that's why a lot of us, you know, kinda dive into these creative activities. But here's one question I have for you. So if somebody's wanting to get started in sticker making and I'm just thinking of stickers in general and that, you know, I don't have a lot of knowledge of of this, but are there special tools that they need, or can they can almost anybody get started in this?

Mim Jenkinson [00:08:45]:

Yeah. Great question. So to learn to make stickers, all you need is a computer or a laptop, and a good Internet connection. So you can learn the sticker making process. You can download free sticker making software. The the 3 that I really love and recommend, are, 2 particularly, Cricut Design Space and Silhouette Studio, and also Canvas. So in my membership, I teach all 3 of those, and we all love Canva, don't we? So any of those 3 softwares you can get now. You can get the free version and start to discover the design process to making your own stickers.

Mim Jenkinson [00:09:19]:

Now, of course, if you want to print them out, a color printer, it doesn't need to be a really fancy expensive one either. I really love like a really basic colour inkjet or laser printer. And then of course, you can either cut your stickers out with scissors or a craft knife. Or if you want to cut them out much more accurately and faster, certainly, then a cutting machine such as a a Cricut or a Silhouette or a Brother ScanNCut, they're all really great affordable And affordable because they're at different price levels. You could start with a Cricut Extra or a Silhouette Portrait, and there are machines that are more expensive than that. But I found that the investment in those in terms of the time saving ness that they bring is really awesome. So it doesn't actually take too many tools and many crafters will already have those few things too. They'll probably be already familiar with design software.

Mim Jenkinson [00:10:11]:

I mean, most of us have used Canva, but many people don't know that you can use Canva to make things like stickers and to design stickers. So, yeah, not many tools needed, and I just really believe that anyone can learn to make stickers. I have students and members at all levels, in all places worldwide, at all ages, at all ability levels, and it just it's so it's so fun to connect with others regardless of where they're coming from and and just all sharing and and, you know, learning this fun skill together.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:40]:

Now speaking of Canva, and I love Canva, and I did not know you could use it to make physical stickers. But let me ask you this question, and I I I don't even know the answer to it. I know that, obviously, we're we've talked a little bit about physical stickers, but what about digital stickers? Is there such a a thing like that?

Mim Jenkinson [00:11:00]:

Oh, there is. And the more that we are doing everything online, the more that we want to use stickers with our online things too. So it might be stickers for a digital again, once for all kinds of reasons. And again, once you can make stickers and design them, you don't have to print and cut them yourself. You could absolutely create a digital version or a printable version too. So when I started my sticker shop Paper Planner Club on Etsy, first of all, I was sending and I was I actually really enjoyed learning the process, but I was printing and cutting and posting my printed stickers to customers all over the world. And And then after a few years when I got busy then teaching my customers and others how to make stickers, and then, really wanted to keep my shop going, but I just didn't have the bandwidth to be able to still do the printing and the posting. So I moved over then to selling printable stickers only, and I still sell printable stickers every day now.

Mim Jenkinson [00:12:02]:

So, yeah, the the the limits are well, it's unlimited. Definitely, you could literally create any sticker for anyone. I think as long as a sticker is a great solution for someone, it can be in all kinds of different formats.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:12:14]:

Which actually brings me to my next question because I know a lot of us are just doing it for the creative outlet, but some of us might be interested in actually monetizing this. Have you ever had any students who, have taken, you know, their passion for creating stickers and have made a business out of it?

Mim Jenkinson [00:12:33]:

I have. I've had quite a few, and I I love watching people make that decision and see where it takes them. And it can be for so many different reasons too. I mean, when I got started, I literally listed my stickers on Etsy because I thought, well, I don't know. I'm making them myself. Let's see if somebody else wants them. And it just so happened that the stickers that I was making at the time were really popular. And I really came into that Etsy shop, like, with a head start in that I was really sharing stickers that I loved and used.

Mim Jenkinson [00:13:01]:

And I knew that they did a really good job because I was getting so many benefits from them. So when I started sharing them with others, other people really enjoyed them too, and the shop started to grow bit by bit and then quite quickly. And my students now, some of them will want to make stickers only for themselves, others maybe only for themselves and for their grandchildren potentially. And then others want to just test the waters with selling stickers and others want to really see if they can make it a bigger income. So it could be that they wanna make stickers and sell a few every month to essentially just subsidize their crafting or sticker buying hobby and habit. And that's how many of them want to get started. Maybe it's an extra 50, 100, $200 a month. And others really want to pursue it being a much bigger income.

Mim Jenkinson [00:13:48]:

So I, Tamara is one of our amazing students and Tamara is one of my, she's one of my favourite stories and I'll tell you why. Because when she started her sticker shop, she joined my course a few years ago now, she started her sticker shop and it just took off fantastically. Her stickers are beautiful, and she's exceptional. Her designs and her, and the accuracy and the quality of them is so good. Her sales in her shop overtook mine so quickly, and I've never felt more pride and happiness for someone. But like I say, it could be that you you just wanna test the waters with selling, and Etsy is a really good place to do that because people are already coming to Etsy to search for stickers and buy them. So as long as you're listing products in a way that they can be found and the products are really helpful and useful, it's it's just worth seeing how it goes. But not all of my students want to do that.

Mim Jenkinson [00:14:40]:

As I said, some of them really just wanna create stickers for themselves, their family, their loved ones.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:14:46]:

Well, tons of options there. And, ma'am, you have a summit that's coming up. Can you tell us a little bit about that and what people will be able to learn in that event?

Mim Jenkinson [00:14:56]:

Oh, I will. This is the 4th time that I've run this particular summit. It's my 5th summit altogether. So I know many people who are listening will have already been to summits before, but some of you may not even be familiar with the word. But this one, it's called the Planner Craft Pro Summit, and it's on from June 11th to June 13, 2024, and it's completely free. So it's a free 3 day event, and there'll be 9 to 10 classes every single day that people can come along and access and watch every day. And it's filled with lessons from planning, productivity, goal setting, and habits, all the way through to planner themed crafts, like making stickers or making planners or printables or charms or stencils or accessories. And then on the 3rd day, that is for those people who might then be interested in selling their the products that they are making to, or perhaps those who just want to learn more about sharing them with other people.

Mim Jenkinson [00:15:54]:

So it really is a packed 3 days. There are so many classes to choose from. And when it comes to unlocking creativity and a new hobby or taking that hobby to the next level, I just think it's a fantastic event. We've got thousands of people who attend every year, and I can't wait because, tickets are going to be available from next week. And I just can't wait to welcome people in and get excited together about everything that we're going to learn and share.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:21]:

And we will make sure that everybody in our audience has the opportunity to sign up for that. And before we go, can you let folks know where they can find you? And I believe you have a free gift for them also.

Mim Jenkinson [00:16:34]:

I certainly do. Thank you. So I am on Instagram at mimjenkinson. So anyone is more than happy to come and and chat to me over there. If anyone has any questions at all about making stickers, let me know. And I also have a free class that I can send them the link for. So feel free to DM me at mimjenkinson on Instagram. Instagram.

Mim Jenkinson [00:16:53]:

And I have a free gift for your fabulous listener's Destini,too. So it's a free sticker making guide, and I update this regularly too. And they can grab that at mimjenkinson.com/hsguide. So hobby school, h s guide. And I've had some really great feedback on that. That's perfect for anyone who is like, this sticker making thing sounds interesting, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. Well, that's a great starting place to to find out. And we're gonna make sure that all of those links are in the show notes so they can find you.

Mim Jenkinson [00:17:24]:

And, Mim, thank you so much for joining me today, and I love chatting with you about all things sticker making. Oh, thank you so much for having me, Destini. Can't wait to connect with you at the summit too.


54: Guide to Turning a $5 Hobby Product into Thousands


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