62: This Is Your Happiness Formula

62: This Is Your Happiness Formula

Ever feel like you're stuck in a rut, scrolling through your phone on a lazy Sunday afternoon? Well, what if I told you that the key to unlocking your potential, boosting your happiness, and maybe even changing your life is hiding in plain sight? Yep, I'm talking about hobbies!

In this week's episode, we're diving deep into the world of hobbies and uncovering some pretty mind-blowing stuff. Did you know that your weekend painting sessions or that language app you've been meaning to use could actually be reshaping your brain? It's true!

We'll chat about:

  • How hobbies can sharpen your mind (hello, cognitive superpowers!)

  • The mood-boosting magic of trying new things

  • Cool hobby ideas you might not have thought of

  • How to squeeze hobby time into your crazy-busy schedule (because we all have one of those, right?)

So whether you're a hobby enthusiast or someone who thinks they don't have a creative bone in their body (spoiler alert: you totally do), this episode is for you. Trust me, by the end of it, you'll be itching to dust off that guitar, break out the crafting supplies, or finally sign up for those dance classes.

Ready to transform your downtime into something amazing? Tune in and let's get this hobby party started! Who knows? This might just be the episode that changes everything.

Can't wait to hear what new hobbies you'll be inspired to try!

Key points with timestamps:

  • 01:45 - How hobbies contribute to cognitive health and create "cognitive reserve"

  • 04:11 - The emotional benefits of hobbies, including boosting self-esteem and reducing stress

  • 07:18 - Various hobby ideas, from language learning to arts and crafts

  • 13:25 - Practical tips for making time for hobbies in a busy schedule

  • 17:37 - The importance of hobbies for a balanced, fulfilling life

Mentioned In This Episode

  • Don't forget to join our wait list for the next HobbyScool online learning summit. Our summits are free to attend and you can be the first to know when the next summit launches by joining our newsletter here.

The Life-Changing Power of Hobbies

Have you ever found yourself scrolling mindlessly through your phone on a lazy Sunday afternoon, feeling a bit... meh? We've all been there. But what if I told you that the key to reshaping your brain, boosting your happiness, and maybe even changing your life is hiding in plain sight? It could be that dusty guitar in the corner, the forgotten watercolor set, or even the language learning app you downloaded months ago. That's right, we're talking about hobbies – and they're so much more than just pastimes.

In this post, we'll dive into the world of hobbies and discover how they can revolutionize your life, one brushstroke (or guitar chord, or chess move) at a time. Get ready to unlock your potential and embrace the transformative power of hobbies!

The Brain Boost: How Hobbies Sharpen Your Mind

Let's start with a cool concept: cognitive reserve. Think of it as your brain's backup generator. The more cognitive reserve you have, the better equipped your brain is to handle potential issues down the road. And guess what builds this reserve? You got it – hobbies!

When you engage in a hobby, whether it's solving crossword puzzles, learning to play the guitar, or trying your hand at watercolor painting, you're giving your brain new challenges to tackle. This mental workout keeps your cognitive skills sharp and may even help create that all-important cognitive reserve.

Different hobbies exercise different parts of your brain:

  • Puzzles and strategy games improve problem-solving skills and logical thinking

  • Learning a new language engages multiple areas of your brain, improving memory and multitasking abilities

  • Artistic hobbies enhance spatial awareness and creative thinking

  • Physical hobbies improve hand-eye coordination and boost your mood thanks to those feel-good endorphins

But it's not just about the specific skills you're learning. The very act of engaging in a hobby – setting goals, practicing regularly, overcoming challenges – helps build cognitive flexibility. This is your brain's ability to switch between different concepts or tasks, which is super handy in all areas of life.

Beyond the Brain: The Emotional Perks of Hobbies

Now, let's talk feelings. Hobbies aren't just good for your cognitive health – they can do wonders for your emotional well-being too.

Remember that rush of pride when you finally master a tricky guitar chord or complete a challenging puzzle? That's your brain's reward system kicking in, giving you a nice dose of feel-good chemicals. This sense of achievement can be a real boost to your self-esteem and confidence.

Hobbies can also provide a sense of purpose. In a world where we often define ourselves by our jobs or family roles, having a passion project or a skill you're developing just for the joy of it can be incredibly fulfilling. It's something that's uniquely yours, a part of your identity that isn't tied to external expectations or responsibilities.

And let's not forget the social aspect. Many hobbies come with built-in communities. Whether it's joining a book club, attending a knitting circle, or participating in local sports leagues, hobbies can be a great way to connect with like-minded people. These social connections are crucial for mental health and can provide a support system outside of your usual circles.

Finding Your Perfect Hobby: A World of Possibilities

Now that we've established that hobbies are pretty much awesome for your brain and your overall well-being, you might be wondering, "But what hobby should I pick up?" Well, my friend, the world is your oyster! Here are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing:

  1. Language Learning: Why not start learning a new language? It's like a full-body workout for your brain, improving memory, enhancing decision-making skills, and even making you more empathetic.

  2. Musical Instruments: Whether it's strumming a guitar, tickling the ivories, or blowing a saxophone, learning a musical instrument has serious cognitive benefits.

  3. Puzzles and Strategy Games: From jigsaw puzzles to Sudoku, crosswords to chess, these brain teasers are like push-ups for your mind.

  4. Arts and Crafts: Channel your inner Picasso! Painting, knitting, woodworking, or scrapbooking can enhance fine motor skills, reduce stress, and give you a tangible result for your efforts.

  5. Reading and Writing: Bookworms, rejoice! Reading improves vocabulary, reduces stress, and can even make you more empathetic. Writing helps organize thoughts and boosts creativity.

  6. Technology-Based Hobbies: In our digital age, why not learn to speak the language of computers? Coding, digital art, or even creating your own podcast can keep you up-to-date with technology while exercising your problem-solving and creative skills.

Remember, the best hobby is one that you enjoy. Don't be afraid to try a few different things until you find something that clicks.

Making Time for Hobbies: Because You're Worth It!

I can almost hear some of you saying, "That all sounds great, but who has the time?" I get it. Between work, family, and the never-ending pile of laundry, finding time for hobbies can seem about as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard.

But here's the thing: making time for hobbies isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a need-to-have. It's an investment in your mental health, your cognitive function, and your overall happiness. So let's talk about how to squeeze some hobby time into your packed schedule:

  1. Start Small: Even 15-20 minutes a day can make a difference. It's about consistency, not marathon sessions.

  2. Schedule It: Put your hobby time in your calendar, just like you would any other important appointment.

  3. Multitask (The Good Kind): Look for ways to incorporate your hobby into other parts of your life. Learning a language? Listen to podcasts during your commute.

  4. Make It a Family Affair: If family time is eating into your hobby time, why not combine them? Have a family game night for strategy games, or learn a new skill together.

  5. Use "Dead Time": Those little pockets of time while waiting for an appointment or standing in line? Perfect for a quick language learning session on your phone or a few pages of that book you're reading.

Remember, it's okay to start slow. The goal is to make your hobby a sustainable part of your routine, not another source of stress.

Your Invitation to Never Stop Learning

So, there you have it. Hobbies aren't just fun diversions – they're a vital part of a healthy, balanced life. They keep our brains sharp, our hearts happy, and our lives interesting. They provide us with challenges, achievements, and a sense of purpose that extends beyond our daily responsibilities.

Whether you decide to dust off that guitar in the attic, sign up for a pottery class, or finally tackle that stack of books on your nightstand, know that you're doing something wonderful for your brain, your emotional well-being, and your overall quality of life.

So, what hobby will you try this week? Whatever it is, approach it with curiosity, patience, and a sense of adventure. Embrace the awkwardness of being a beginner, celebrate your progress, and most of all, have fun with it.

After all, in the grand scheme of things, we're all beginners at this thing called life. Why not make it as interesting, joyful, and growth-filled as possible?

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62: This Is Your Happiness Formula


Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:00]:

Hi there. Destini here. And I want you to picture this. It's a lazy Sunday afternoon. You're scrolling through your phone. You're feeling a bit like, meh. Suddenly, you remember that watercolor set you bought on a whim last year. And you're thinking in your mind, maybe I'll go give it a try.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:00:26]:

And little do you know that you are about to start on a journey that could reshape your brain, boost your happiness, and maybe even change your life. That may sound a little dramatic, but what if I told you that hobbies are so much more than just pastimes? They are powerful tools for personal growth, cognitive health, and lifelong learning. If you are intrigued by this, stay with me. And today, we're going to dive into the world of hobbies and discover how they can change your life one brushstroke at a time. So let's talk about exactly how do hobbies contribute to keeping our brains in tip top shape. So let's break it down here. The first thing is hobbies provide mental simulation. So whether you're solving a crossword puzzle, learning to play the guitar, or trying your hand at watercolor painting, you are giving your brain new challenges to tackle.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:01:45]:

And this mental workout helps keep your cognitive skills sharp and may even help create what scientists call cognitive reserve. So think of cognitive reserve as your brain's backup generator. The more you have, the better equipped your brain is to handle potential issues down the road. I like to describe it at like it's building a safety net for your mind. And different hobbies exercise different parts of your brains. And I'm gonna give you some examples here. So if you're solving puzzles or you're playing strategy games, this can help improve your problem solving skills and logical thinking. When you're learning a new language that engages multiple areas of your brain in proven memory and multitasking abilities.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:02:55]:

Artistic hobbies, like painting or sculpting, can enhance your spatial awareness and creative thinking. And physical hobbies like dancing or some type of sports like pickleball, that can improve hand eye coordination and even boost your mood, thanks to those feel good endorphins. But it's not just about the specific skills you're learning. The very act of doing that hobby and engaging with it, setting goals for it, practicing regularly, overcoming challenges, and getting better at the hobby, that helps build cognitive flexibility. This is your brain's ability to switch between different concepts or tasks, which is super handy in all kinds of areas in life. And it's really just more than just brain food. Right? There are a lot of emotional perks of hobbies. So now let's talk about feelings.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:04:11]:

And hobbies aren't just good for your cognitive health. They can do wonders for your emotional well-being also. Let me ask you this. Have you ever felt that rush of pride when you finally master a tricky guitar guitar chord or complete a challenging puzzle? That is your brain's reward system kicking in, giving you a nice dose of those feel good chemicals. And this sense of achievement can be a real boost to your self esteem and confidence. Hobbies can also provide a sense of purpose. So in a world where we often define ourselves by our jobs, our family roads, Having a passion project or a skill you're developing just for the fun of it can be incredibly fulfilling. Is something that is uniquely yours.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:05:23]:

A part of you and your identity that isn't tied to external expectations or other responsibilities that you have. The other thing is I don't want you to forget about the social aspect. So many hobbies come in with what we would call these built in communities. Whether it's joining a book club, you're attending a knitting circle, you're participating in a local sports league like a tennis league or a pickleball league. Hobbies can be a great way to connect with like minded people. And these social connections are crucial for mental health and can provide a support system outside of your usual circles. The other thing is hobbies can be a fantastic stress buster. So when you are fully engaged in an activity you enjoy, it's kinda like a form of meditation.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:06:33]:

You're present in the moment. You're focused on the task at hand. You're giving your mind a break from the worries and pressures of daily life. It is a chance for you to recharge and reset. So now that we've established that hobbies are pretty much awesome for your brain and your overall well-being, you might be sitting there and thinking, Destiny, that is great. I love all of that. I agree with you. But what hobbies should I pick up? Well, here's where I would say that, my friend, the world is your oyster.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:07:18]:

Now here are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing, and just think about some of these, you know, which one of these you might be interested in pursuing. The first is language learning. So why not? Why not learn a new language? Learning a new language is like a full body workout for your brain. It improves your memory. It enhances those decision making skills. And it can even make you more empathetic. Plus, it's a great excuse to take a vacation to practice your new skills. So tools like Babel, and I may be pronouncing that incorrectly, maybe it's babble, make it easy to get started, and you can practice with language exchange apps like Tandem.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:08:14]:

Or go old school and pick up some foreign language books or movies. The next one you might wanna consider is learning a new musical instrument. Whether it's trying out a guitar, playing the piano, blowing on a saxophone, learning a musical instrument has some serious cognitive benefits. It improves your coordination, your math skills, go figure, and your memory. Plus, it's a great party trick. Right? People love to hear you play at parties. So you can start with YouTube tutorials. Or if you're feeling really brave, you can sign up for lessons at your local music school.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:09:03]:

And I would just say, remember, everybody sounds terrible at first. It's really part of the charm there. And the more you practice, the better you're gonna get. Now the next one is super easy to get started in, and that's just starting with a puzzle or a strategy game. So you could do a jigsaw puzzle. You could do crosswords to chess. All of these brainteaser type games are really push ups for your mind. They improve problem solving skills.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:09:40]:

They boost your memory. And quite frankly, I find them really addictive. So you can start with an app like PEAK for brain training games, or you can just go along with an old fashioned puzzle book. The next one is is some of my favorite, and I know the favorites of many people who are listening to this, are just arts and crafts. So here, you can channel your inner Picasso, whether it's painting, knitting, woodworking, scrapbooking, creative hobbies, all like this, enhance your fine motor skills, reduce stress, and really give you a tangible result for your effort, something that you can physically look at, you can hang up on your wall, you can put in your room. And there's a lot of places you can go for this. You can, you know, attend any of our hobby school summits. We do a ton of these top activities here.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:10:43]:

You can go to your local community center. They a lot of times they have classes. You can start with YouTube tutorials. Also, websites like Skillshare also have a ton of courses on various crafts. The next is, and this is also one of my favorites, is reading and writing. So if you are a bookworm, you know, you are are already well on your way. So reading improves vocabulary. It reduces stress, and there's just tons of benefits there.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:11:18]:

Also with writing, whether you're doing journaling, blogging, or maybe you're even working on that nay next great novel, this helps you organize your thoughts and it also boosts creativity. You can join a local book club or even start 1 if you don't know where one is. You can participate in online writing communities. You can challenge yourself to read books from, you know, type of books that you don't normally explore there. So there's a ton of opportunities for you. The next thing is try a digital based hobby. So there's tons of these out there. Why not learn a little bit more about computers and maybe doing digital art on a computer, or doing coding, or learning a new digital type skill? So there's a lot of opportunities there.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:12:16]:

You can go to a website like Codecademy, which has free coding courses and platforms like Udemy have classes on, quite frankly, everything from digital, you know, creation, digital art to 3 d modeling. So a lot of things that you can explore there. The last thing that I would encourage you is to think about some type of physical hobby. So who says you can't work out your body and your mind at the same time? So activities like dance, rock climbing, tennis, pickleball. There's tons of opportunities there. So look for classes at your local gym, your community center, or even a dedicated studio. And I would say that remember the best hobby is one that you enjoy, and don't be afraid to try a few different things until you find something that clicks for you. And the next thing is I want you to make time for your hobbies because you're work it.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:13:25]:

You're worth it. Right? I can hear that a lot of you are probably listening to this and thinking, Destiny, all of this sounds great. Quite frankly, I want to try all of it, but who has the time? And I get it. Between your work, your family, and the never ending pile of laundry in your laundry room, finding times for your hobby can be about as likely as finding a unicorn in your backyard. But here's the thing, making time for your hobbies isn't just a nice to have. It's a need to have. It's an investment in your mental health, your cognitive function, and your overall happiness. So let's talk a little bit about how you can squeeze some of this hobby time into your packed schedule.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:14:19]:

And the first thing I want you to do is to start small. You don't need to dedicate hours and hours and hours every day to your new hobby. Even 15 to 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference. It's all about consistency, not marathon sessions. And then I want you to schedule it. Put your hobby time in your calendar just like you would any other important appointment. Treat it with the same respect you would give a work meeting or a doctor's appointment. And then multitask, the good kind of multitasking.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:05]:

Look for ways to incorporate your hobby into other parts of your life. If you're learning a new language, listen to podcasts during your commute. Want to read more? Audiobooks while you do chores can be a game changer. And then make it a family affair. If your family time is eating into your hobby time, why not combine them? Have a family night together for strategy games or learn a new skill together. I know in our family, we like to go play pickleball together. Also, use what we call dead time. And those are those little pockets of time that you have while waiting for an appointment or standing in line.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:15:53]:

That's a perfect opportunity for a quick language learning session on your phone or a few pages of that book you're reading. And then think about trading your screen time. Now I know me and you, and we all love a good Netflix binge. But consider training 1 episode for some hobby time. You might even find it more relaxing and fulfilling. And then that last thing you can consider is waking up just a little bit earlier. And I know, I know, but hear me out here. Even waking up 30 minutes earlier can give you some peaceful, uninterrupted time for your hobby before the day gets crazy.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:16:43]:

And I just want you to remember, it's okay to start slow. The goal is to make your hobby a sustainable part of your routine and not another source of stress? Now let's just talk about it here. I've given you a lot to consider today. We know that hobbies aren't just fun diversions. They're a vital part of a healthy balanced life. They keep our brains sharp, our hearts happy, and our lives interesting. And I know I was reading just the other day that people who were close to their deathbed, one of the regrets that they had was they hadn't explored more hobbies. And I don't want that for you.

Dr. Destini Copp [00:17:37]:

So remember that hobbies provide us with challenges, achievements, and a sense of purpose that extends beyond our daily responsibilities. Now think about all of that, and I want to challenge you. What new hobby will you try this week? Whatever it is, I want you to approach it with curiosity, patience, because you might not be perfect at it at the beginning, and a sense of adventure. After all, in the grand scheme of things, we are all beginners at this thing called life. So why not make it interesting, joyful, and growth filled as possible? So you'll have to let me know and respond to one of the emails that we've sent out in our hobby school newsletter and let us know what next hobby are you going to try. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Bye for now.


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