21: Creating a Mindset of Abundance with Brittany Fagan: From Lack to Limitless Possibilities

21: Creating a Mindset of Abundance with Brittany Fagan: From Lack to Limitless Possibilities

Brittany is a dynamic duo Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Abundance Mindset Coach with over 10 years of experience.

She is the proud owner of EPIC Woman, a counseling and coaching sisterhood where she empowers women to break through their mindset traps and create their most desired legacy of womanhood with purpose, passion, and profit. 

Abundance Mindset Coach Brittany Fagan will be your guide to achieving a life of abundance and joy. Listen to Brittany share her experiences and strategies for creating a strong vision and using goal setting to make your dreams a reality.

Brittany is passionate about helping women become empowered and live a life of fulfillment. With her guidance and support, you can create a powerful vision, set and achieve goals that are connected to that vision, and manifest a life of abundance and joy.

In this episode we cover:

  • Why creating a vision is the most magnetizing and expansive essential step BEFORE goal setting 

  • Step-by-step process to creating a life of abundance and joy

  • Learn how you can use goal setting as a powerful tool to achieve your dreams


Brittany Fagan is an amazing example of an empowered woman who has found success in life and is now using her knowledge and experience to help other women do the same.

As a licensed clinical social worker and certified Abundance Mindset Coach with over ten years of experience, Brittany has created a process or framework to help people achieve their goals and live a life of abundance and joy.

Brittany believes that the most essential step before goal setting is to create a vision. This is a sensory experience that speaks to you at a core level, disconnected from self-doubting voices, and allows you to expand yourself into the possibilities and limitlessness that you have.

To create a vision, Brittany recommends taking a step back emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually, giving yourself permission to dream, and then writing down the vision and making it tangible by creating goals that are connected to the vision.

Brittany used this process to achieve a goal of her own - losing 20 pounds. She walked with her daughter, ate at certain times, wore clothes that made her feel bold and beautiful, and drank tea instead of coffee.

She emphasizes that it starts with an empowered woman and that when a woman stands in her authenticity, she will see great results.

Brittany is proof that goal setting can be a powerful tool and when used in conjunction with a vision, you can make your dreams a reality.

Mentioned In This Episode

  • Where you can find Brittany: Website

  • Brittany's gift

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21: Creating a Mindset of Abundance with Brittany Fagan: From Lack to Limitless Possibilities


[0:00:03] Dr. Destini Copp: And my special guest today is Brittany Fagan. Brittany is a licensed clinical social worker and certified Abundance Mindset Coach with over ten years of experience. She is the proud owner of Epic Woman, a counseling and coaching sisterhood, where she empowers women to break through their mindset traps and create their most desired legacy of womanhood with purpose, passion, and profit. And Brittany, thank you so much for joining me. I am so excited to jump you today. But before we begin, can you tell the audience a little bit more about you and how you help people?

[0:00:47] Brittany Fagan: Yes. I work with everyday women wanting to live lives of passion, purpose, and profit, which is really that investment, that return of what they're putting forth out into the world. So really having these really satisfying lives. So that's really what I do. And yes, I have all these certifications and trainings, whatever, but what I am most call to is just being a healer, being a callous for women to just show up as their highest self and feel just wildly abundant in how they're living every day, despite the ebbs and flows of life.

[0:01:25] Dr. Destini Copp: So let me ask you this. This is not my area of expertise or my mistake. So we want to talk about creating that vision for our lives. So can you walk us through, number one, why creating a vision is the most essential step before we move on to other things like goal setting. What exactly is a vision and how do we go about that?

[0:01:53] Brittany Fagan: Yes. Okay, so I think a lot of women that are here listening to align with this was I started off working with someone, and I was super burnt out, super frustrated. I felt really unfulfilled, and I was still coming home after a super long day of work, needing to cook, clean, and all this other stuff. And I just was thinking, oh, my God, life is not supposed to be about burnout. I shouldn't feel so unsatisfied and unfulfilled with everything that I'm putting out. Like, I'm doing well at my job, I'm moving through the ranks, I have great education. On paper, I've hit all these goals, right, these big goals, but I was still not feeling successful. I still wasn't feeling that sense of joy and satisfaction I should feel from life. And in that moment, I said, okay, this isn't it. This was not how I was created. I was created to thrive and be happy. So I've had to take a step back and say, scratch this idea of setting goals. I've hit the goal, and I'm still not feeling fulfilled. I need to really decide how I want to live my life, how I want to show up, and that's when the vision was created. So goals are really great because they're tangible things, but a lot of times our goals actually don't align with what we're really passionate about, where we have this authentic ambition and drive to do.

[0:03:22] Brittany Fagan: And so when you create a vision, you're creating this sensory experience, this vibe, this energy about how you see yourself in the world and how you want to experience life. So when I created my vision, I saw myself as a really active mom, being really hands on, being able to leave work to go do what they need from me at school, being able to help teach some things and learn different skills. I saw myself being really active in the community, doing different things. That really lit me up. I also saw myself pouring into my passions and my interest, and that being something that fulfilled me at this really core deep level. And I was like, oh, my God, that's it. And so that vision was something that I could see, taste, feel, experience, and just kind of, like, jump into. Right. It had this whole energy about it. And as I'm even talking about it, I'm like, getting excited again. So it's something that really inspires you. It motivates you at the core place, the core level, and it's totally disconnected from the how of things. It's really focused on the why. Why you want this, what do you want to do, how do you want to show up in the world? And that is so drastically different from a goal, because the goal is very one notice.

[0:04:43] Brittany Fagan: So it's like, okay, get this degree, or get this extra training, or save this amount of money, or lose this amount of weight, or work out this many times, or do his meal plan or meal prep. But saying that my vibe is just plummeted. You know what I mean? So you want to start with the vision because the vision is heart aligned. It speaks to you at this really core fundamental level. It's in alignment with things that really bring you joy, really bring you happiness and satisfaction. And it's most importantly disconnected from all of the self doubting voices about why you should or shouldn't do something. You just give yourself freedom to paint this picture of what it could be and allow that to guide you on what you do next.

[0:05:36] Dr. Destini Copp: I love how you describe that, that it is a sensory experience. It's how you experience life that is the vision, which is I think a lot of people are put myself in this category. We've always been focused on the goals. Right? You kind of check those off or get married by a certain day, maybe.

[0:06:04] Brittany Fagan: Number one by this time. Yes, exactly. Yeah.

[0:06:09] Dr. Destini Copp: So I hear you creating that vision about what we want our life to look like is a mind shift. Like, it's a different way to look at things. So how does somebody go about creating that vision?

[0:06:25] Brittany Fagan: Yeah, so for me, it always starts with taking a step back. I know it sounds weird, like, are you really taking a step back on the street somewhere? No, you're not. Okay. It's totally figuratively. So if you think about it, us everyday women, we are on the go. We're always hustling, we're always onto the next thing. We have this schedule and this flow to our day. We're moving, we're shaking, we're doing all this stuff. We're in the thick of things. So for you to create a vision, you actually just take a step back emotionally, mentally, like, energetically, spiritually, everything from the go go. So from that rat race every day. And so go somewhere that's quiet, go into the gym or to the sauna, go take a walk, go just lay down, just go relax somewhere and just give yourself that moment to disconnect from that cycle. And in that moment, like, what I what I do is take a nice deep breath in and out just to fully ground myself, fully disconnect myself. And I just say, what do you want?

[0:07:34] Brittany Fagan: If I know the answer is yes, if I know it's possible, how would I want to show up into the world today? How would I want my career to be, how I want my passions to fit into my life? How would I want my day to day to be? What would I want to accomplish? What would my takeaway be for today? Like, whatever these questions are that you may have at that moment that you're creating a vision around, and just allow yourself that time to dream again. We stop dreaming. You stop desiring things. So give yourself permission to dream, to desire something. Allow whatever that you've locked away to be unlocked and come to the forefront. And for me, I like to take my pen and paper out or nowadays with my iPad, my iPad notes, and just write down all the things that are coming to you. If you're a creative person, you may want to draw something. You may want to craft something together that is depicting what you're seeing and what you're feeling and just kind of keep asking yourself more questions as those things come to the forefront. So what does that woman do? What is her everyday life?

[0:08:50] Brittany Fagan: What does she believe in? What is she thinking? How is she experiencing life? What is she saying? What is she wearing? How she spent her money? So you're getting clear and clear on this woman that you see in this vision, of this vision of what is interesting, you, what you're desiring. And then you put yourself into the vision. So instead of it being a faceless woman, it's you. It's your face. So you see yourself in this vision and you just totally sit in it and allow yourself to just feel what it feels like to be there. And then you write down some more stuff. So for me, I write down how she's thinking, what she believes in, what she's doing, how she's doing it, what her routines are. And then from there, that becomes my affirmations, it becomes my script, my narrative. It becomes my goals.

[0:09:47] Brittany Fagan: So at that point, I take the information and make it tangible. So if this woman in the future walks with her daughter three days a week, and she feels really good about that, she feels really well and anchored and balanced. Oh, my God, that sounds beautiful. So now I know I need to walk with my daughter three days a week. Now I know that's something that's going to make me feel very anchored. So it's not about weight loss or about getting fit or whatever. It's about how I feel when I'm walking with my daughter three days a week. So I'm shifting away from that mindset of I'm lacking something, which is where a lot of goals come from. You're lacking something, so you want to put something into place, to a place where I'm adding something to my life to be more abundant. So I'm adding something. I'm adding something to expand myself and to feel more full. And so it's a different mindset shift that you go into when you start with that vision. You're really expanding yourself into the possibilities, the limitlessness that you really have. And I think that's a huge shift because what we were talking about, all these roles, the rat race, the going and going to this and this, a checklist of things that we're checking off, we're not necessarily emotionally connected to that. I'm not emotionally connected to my degrees.

[0:11:12] Brittany Fagan: I'm not emotionally connected to the things I've achieved necessarily when they were a checklist. But what I'm doing now in the world, because it was in my vision, I'm very deeply emotionally connected to the impact I'm making globally with women in my programs because it was something that I saw. I saw myself helping women shift their family lives and their community lives based on them getting empowered and living lives that they are really satisfied with. And so when I see it happening, I'm like, oh, my God, how purposeful. And it's so meaningful to me now. So that's a huge shift, right? So you're connecting with your body. You're connecting with your core self. You're listening to your intuition. You're allowing it to guide you to what more is possible. And you're going into a mindset of abundance where you're adding beautiful things to your life to consciously have satisfaction and joy, and you're disconnecting from fear and the lack thereof and scarcity. Right? That comes with setting goals first.

[0:12:15] Dr. Destini Copp: And I love what you said earlier. I love what you said earlier when you said you got to give yourself permission to dream. Yeah, that is so powerful. And kind of the other key point as I was listening to you and I was like, oh, my gosh, she's so right. Some of these goals are, I would love to lose weight. Yeah, that's my goal, right? We're at the start of the year. That's one of my goals. Right, but that just kind of in your mind, you're thinking, well, I have something wrong with me, right, that I need to change. Whereas your philosophy and how you kind of shift that mindset is you're looking at it a different way. So let's talk about that, right? What is that mindset there?

[0:13:04] Brittany Fagan: Yes. Okay. We can actually use this example because this was a good example that I did use last quarter, and it worked very well with me. So I love how I create these visions in this process or framework works with anything on autopilot. I've used it for so many things. So one was last quarter, I did want to lose like £20 or whatever the case is, right? And I remember just feeling like, oh my God, I just felt so unhappy with myself and my body and where I was at that even though I kept saying, I'm going to work out in the morning, so I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, I'm going to walk with my baby. And it wasn't cheerful and joyful and.

[0:13:54] Dr. Destini Copp: I wasn't feeling like a tour, probably.

[0:13:55] Brittany Fagan: Yes. It felt like a chore. And it didn't lighten me up. It didn't make me feel good. And so I didn't really do anything. I wasn't really active. And I just kept feeling worse and worse and worse to the point where I really wasn't going out with friends. And people want to go out. I'm like, I'm going to come aware can't go out. So it was affecting me in other areas. And so I took a step back and did my process like I just talked about earlier. And I wrote down this script about this woman who was £20 lighter, supposedly. And I talked about how she feels when she's walking with her daughter and the things of how she eats, things that make her feel good and how she eats at certain times because it allows her to sleep better, it allows her to digest food better. She wear certain clothes because they make her feel bold and beautiful. And she walks outside doing X, Y and Z.

[0:14:54] Brittany Fagan: So I, like, curate this whole thing and I put myself into it and visualize myself walking with my daughter, coming home and doing this and doing that with her. I saw myself in the mirror putting on different clothes and going out with friends and having a good time. I stood in the vision, so I can really feel it at every level and even the belief system of this woman, who she is and how she'd be approaching life. And do you know, in that quarter I lost those £20 and all I did was what I said in my script, which was walking with my daughter in our neighborhood, casually, we do mindfulness while we're walking, we do deep breathing. I listen to meditations and podcasts. I feel into my body, touch into it and just feel really good. I'm not running, I'm not doing anything crazy. I'm just casually walking and loving on myself and feeling great because of the time I'm spending my daughter and I look forward to walking where God is, what the weather is, unless it's, like, raining or something. And I stopped eating late at night because the way this woman felt was that eating late at night would make her stay up at night. So I stopped munching at night. And guess what? I sleep better and all this other stuff, and it feels great. I drink tea more than coffee because guess what? It makes my stomach feel good. It makes me awake.

[0:16:29] Brittany Fagan: So these subtle shifts based on me wanting to tap into the emotion and the feeling of doing these things that brought me joy, that fed into my passions, that fed into the belief system that I want to have about myself, it allowed me to create those tangible results. So I'm not a nutritionist or a trainer or anything like that, but I'm just giving this example of how we have to disconnect from the lack thereof, the scarcity, the fear, and really tap into what will make us feel joy, satisfaction, what will make us feel passion filled and purposeful and what's meaningful to us. And when we pour into that state of more, we see great results because we're in a heart aligned space. So I don't look at the scale for the 20 pound weight loss. I honestly didn't even know I lost that weight, to be honest with you, until I weigh myself way later, I was like, Wait a minute. What? I was so confused because I wasn't, like, in the gym pumping and doing all the stuff that I would have done before. I was just doing things and living a lot that felt good. And so my stress level decreased. And I think that's also we hold weight from stress, so stress level decrease, sleeping better. All this stuff in my body responded to that shift.

[0:18:05] Dr. Destini Copp: And I would say that a lot of the things that we want to achieve in life is related to that mindset, right? And how we feel and how we approach it. Brittany, any last minute tips before we wrap it up here for the audience?

[0:18:21] Brittany Fagan: Yeah, I truly that everything starts with an empowered woman, and you're that woman. And so the moment you as a woman stand in that authentic ambition to feed into your passions, to live purposefully, then you will ultimately see that return for that investment in your family and yourself, in your community and society. It's a ripple down effect. And there's just so much strength in a woman once she stands in her authenticity. So I want you to always focus on what naturally drives you, what feels good to you, and that's usually where you should be. You know what I'm saying? Just get from the how, take the first next step, and dream big, because you have limitless potential. You have limitless potential. So that's what my takeaway is.

[0:19:18] Dr. Destini Copp: Oh, I love that. I love that it's such a powerful message. And can you let the audience know where they can find you? And I believe you also have a free gift for them, too.

[0:19:28] Brittany Fagan: Yes. So please find me on my website, bdanielle.com. And also you can follow me on Instagram at Epic with Brit. And I'm always dropping mindset, mastery, conscious manifestations, strategies for living well, and life satisfaction, all these different things for women on my pages. So you can constantly be Nourished in so many different ways from going on there. But also, my freebie library is amazing. So be Danielle freebies and you can go ahead and get access. I have lots of resources in there to work through emotions, difficult thoughts, limiting beliefs. There's some trainings in there. There's a lot of different journal prompts and workbooks. There's a lot of different tools and strategies and resources to help you continuously make these shifts so that you can live a widely abundant life. Yes. So with me, let me know how you're doing, and if you have any questions, I am here to support you.

[0:20:37] Dr. Destini Copp: Thank you so much. Brittany and I'll make sure that those links are in the show notes for the audience to click on them and find you. And thanks so much for joining us today and sharing your wonderful knowledge with us.

[0:20:49] Brittany Fagan: Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Destiny, it was great. Great. Thank you so much. I enjoyed myself today.

[0:20:56] Dr. Destini Copp: Thanks so much.

[0:20:58] Brittany Fagan: All right, bye.


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